Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I am SUCH a girl... is that bad?

As I slicked on my new rose lipstick this morning (free, thanks to CVS... oh happy day!), my husband reminded me he'd be taking my car in today to get new tires. I don't think it ever even occurred to either one of us that I could take it in... he just always handles the "vehicle stuff". Kind of like he always takes the garbage out. Meanwhile, I always do the laundry. I always bake the cookies. And so it goes...

I don't really think either one of has real "gender stereotypes" in this house. And that makes me wonder if we're too "stuck in our ways". Or is it more to the point that if it ain't broke, don't fix it? I've been fascinated lately to read many other blogs with varying viewpoints on women's roles. I think that's what has gotten my wheels turning...


Candace said...

I'm that kind of girl too!
You might enjoy
if you've never been!

JessieLeigh said...

Thanks for the link, Candace! I really enjoyed reading through some of those articles while waiting for my 2-yr old to wake up this morning. : ) Glad to know I'm not the only one in that camp either!