Wednesday, April 23, 2008

7 Random/Weird Things About Me!

I've been tagged by Candace to list seven random and/or weird things about myself.

Here goes...

1. I gave birth to two babies in 2005, but they're not twins.

2. Everyone in my family is tall with tiny feet.

3. I was third in my graduating class... and the top ten was ALL girls!

4. I can eat embarrassingly huge quantities of pizza... seriously.

5. I really don't like being outside. At all. And I really, really wish that I did.

6. I always have my toenails polished. Always.

7. I think I just finally figured out how to do a link in a blog... how sad is THAT? Ha!

I am going to have to ponder who to tag... since this blog is so new and I'M so new to blogging and the etiquette involved, I would hate to "bother" someone who doesn't really even know who I am. But I'll work on that! Thanks, Candace, for thinking of me!


Candace said...

You're welcome.
So, how much pizza can you eat?

JessieLeigh said...


well, let's say we're talking about a typical large pizza loaded with veggies and cut in 8 slices...

i can easily eat 6 pieces. but i usually only get 5, since my hubby eats 3. ; )